XIOM Guillotine Long Pips
The XIOM Guillotine is one of the long pips rubbers that I liked a lot and use it. This rubber has a lively feeling because of the tensor technology that built into it. If you have used Joola Octopus, TSP P1R or Dr.Neubauer long pips rubber before, the XIOM Guillotine does not have a dead feeling like them. The lively feeling gives you a better feel of the ball, so increases the control of the ball. However, some defensive players don’t like that feeling. The manufactures like Tibhar and XIOM are making their long pips with Tensor Technology these days. The manufactures like TSP or Butterfly have not experimented with that technology because their products have been used by many world top players around the world, so don’t require a change.
I have tried the XIOM Guillotine on a Butterfly Joo Se Hyuk, Dr.Neubauer, XIOM Aigis, JOOLA Chen Weixing and TSP Balsa Plus 3.5 blades. My first opinion is that Guillotine is a slow rubber comparing with the same sponge size rubbers out there when you use on a balsa blades like Dr.Neubauer. I’ve felt that a 1.2 mm Guillotine rubber has the speed of only 0.5 mm rubber only. The 1.6 mm version of the rubber has the speed of any other brand 1.3 mm sponge rubber. I haven’t seen any world top player using Guillotine, so it will take a while before they can settle on the characteristics of the sponge to world class players. In my opinion, the Guillotine that I received uses soft sponge.
I was amazed at its ability to drop the ball very low and precociously where you want it from anywhere in the court. I have seen this behavior with the 1.6 mm version of the rubber. The same thing is true for 1.2 mm version being little closer to the table. The soft flexible pips of Guillotine can do more work than any other long pips – from blocking to chopping.
The XIOM Guillotine is a very good cut rubber as its name implies. The 1.6 mm version may be needed to chop away from the table. If the opponent drops or pushes the ball, you can move fast to the ball and block it. Rather than blocking, I was able to hit the ball even further away from the table with the 1.6 version. Guillotine’s ability to block makes this a great rubber for hitting.
Until you get the complete control of the rubber which may be like few weeks, you may notice high throw angle. This is due to the stroke that you make. You can turn the angle of the blade to any direction to add more spin variation. Something like this is impossible with Feint Long II or Feint Long III.
A friend of mine made this comment that he heard the pips on Guillotine rubber will break fast. I have not seen any pips on my rubber breaking. However I noticed the rubber can absorb dust fast. Don’t use any rubber cleaning solution to clean the pips - rather use only water. Use soft sponge to absorb the dust from the tips of the pips. Remember not to press the pips hard while to clean it.
The XIOM Guillotine rubber is the best choice for a player who is new to long pips. The soft pimples and the live feeling will be liked by the new players. The long pips rubbers from other manufactures are hard to control and learn.
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