I’m not a JPen style player. I have not used a Hinoki blade before. I’m a modern defensive player, and have not come across a blade made of Hinoki before for my style of play. So, I’m not able to provide you a review on a Hinoki blade’s performance - I may do it in the future though.
At the TableTennisStore.US, I have received so many inquiries about this blade. The XIOM Athena Platinum JPen blade is popular around the world among the JPen style players. Here is a list of questions that JPen players ask about this blade:
Qn. Why this blade costs $240?
Ans. The XIOM RSM Platinum JPen that we have in our store TableTennisStore.US is a 2008 version. The RSM blades that manufactured before the year 2008 cost less.
Qn. I dont see a Warranty card with XIOM RSM Athena Platinum blade. Why?
Ans. The new versions of XIOM RSM Athena Platinum comes with a laser marked Serial Number on the blade handle. It does not come with a warranty card. You can register your XIOM blade at the XIOM web site with the Serial Number that you see on the blade handle. You will be provided after sales service from XIOM office directly for any XIOM blade that you buy and register on the XIOM website.
Qn. What is the weight of this blade?
Ans. The weight is 98 gm.
Qn. Where does this blade come from?
Ans. This blade comes from Korea.
Qn. Is this a single ply Hinoki blade?
Ans. Yes.
Qn. Have you smelled this blade?
Ans. Yes, the smell of the wood is very strong. The JPen players who have looked at this blade have commented the high quality of hinoki being used for this blade.
Qn. What is the thickness of the blade?
Ans. The thickness is 10 mm.
Qn. Where can I buy XIOM RSM Athena Platinum JPen blade?
Ans. It is available from our store TableTennisStore.US
Qn. Does Ryu Seung Min use this blade?
Ans. Yes.
Qn. What is the right rubber for XIOM RSM Athena Platinum JPen blade?
Ans. The XIOM Omega III or Omega II in Max is the right rubber for XIOM RSM Athena Platinum JPen bla
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