The XIOM Maximus is an all-round blade. The XIOM Maximus is being used by many players in the all round category, so this falls under the Professional Classic series. To compare to a different brand, it is similar to Butterfly Peter Korbel but faster. In its own range, it is similar to XIOM Aigis defensive blade, but small head, 5 plies and faster.
The XIOM Maximus has excellent control because of the outer layer which is made of Limba. The blade has a very crisp feeling of hit. The blade is flexible for playing top spin as well as defensive shots. It has a very good grip - I have felt more comfortable in playing top spin with that grip.
I have tried XIOM Maximus with True Innovation Euro on the forehand and ZETA Asian Max on the backhand - the blade weigh 186 gm after putting both the rubbers on the blade. I have felt this set up is suitable for a developing player. The True Innovation is very good for a top spin loop game while ZETA is for both looping and hitting. The opponent can see the difference in throw angle between the forehand and backhand. On the backhand, it is so powerful when is blocked with ZETA - the ball returns with more spin and power.
The XIOM Maximus generate a medium throw. The XIOM Aigis generates a very flat throw though both are made of limba outer layers.
The XIOM Maximus table tennis blade is available from
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Are you sure its faster than Korbel? Also Korbel is very stiff, more stiff than some 7-plys; if this blade is flexible it is not really similar in feel to Petr Korbel. Maybe your subjective feeling of the balde beeing faster comes from its flex?