This Joola Snabb Short Pips 2.0 mm rubber was lying in my lab for a while. I’m not a hitter, so I did not have my eyes on this rubber. A few days ago, I put this rubber on my TSP Yanagi Alpha blade. I have been practicing a while to do counter attacks over the table. I had interest in knowing how this short pips is going to behave to my quick loop and smash strokes.
The initial impression I had about this rubber was I was able to do chopping away from the table - an year ago. I was disappointed. This is not a chopping rubber for defensive players who play away from the table. Chopping against heavy top spin is not that successful with this rubber. However, this is a good rubber for close to the table block and chop block. The heavy top spin can be blocked well with this rubber – once the ball has risen it is hard to chop with it. This is primarily because the Joola Snabb is an offensive short pips rubber.
I hate to say this. I have felt the pips on this rubber more resemble to medium pips. The pips can bend well for faster attack shorts. The TSP Yanagi Alpha is a defensive blade, it can’t generate more speed, but I could see the ball shoots with so much speed and power when I hit. This speed comes from the rubber itself. I think the rubber fits a hard and stiff blade.
The pips on the rubber are aligned vertically. This kind of alignment favors more hits. The rubbers has a live feeling - not dead like TSP Spectol. I think Joola Snabb has a little tensor effect built to the top sheet, although it does not say any kind of special technology like tensor being used.
The Joola Snabb can generate spin of its own. I could generate top spin during the serves as well as looping, but not as high as with an inverted rubber. I was able to play classic top spin, but not spin through brush looping. If you use inverted rubbers on the other side of the blade, this combination can generate so much deception to the opponents. The variation of top or under spin that can come out of this rubber is something to note. If you can take advantage of this, you can be very successful with this rubber.
The Joola Snabb on a faster blade is not a good choice for defensive players. I would say Joola Snabb have excellent control on a slower blade.
He Zhi Wen of Spain uses this rubber. He has been successful with this rubber against many defensive and attackers. He is a penholder. At this age of 45, he is a good “block and hit” player.
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I played for Jersey Table Tennis Association in 4 world champs & 3 European in 60, 70, 80, using short pimples on backhand and had good results.now coaching my 9 year old son Jordon. Just started him on snabb on backhand. See how it goes.
Any young players using it?
Any young player using it in U S A?
Thank you Barry for posting this comment.
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