Punch Block with Tensor rubbers Vs Long Pips

by Varghese on February 14, 2009

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It is hard to execute a good punch block with a shakehand grip. It is common among penholders. A very open blade stroke with a punch forward is done against balls having fast no spin, light backspin and light topspin. It is hard to do such strokes against heavy top spin or backspin.

When I play against penholders, the punch block drives me into trouble sometimes. I use long pips on the backhand. I have seen penholders punch blocking my chops to their backhand successfully. The punch strokes return with less spin but with more power. I have seen some shakehanders doing this. A common thing I have found among these players is their high power generating blades like carbon and very fast and hard tensor rubbers like Joola Express 2 or XIOM Omega II Asian.

It is hard to block such balls coming with heavy power but no spin. It is required to loop and generate top spin against such balls. With the long pips, it is highly impossible to initiate a stroke against such balls. Since the ball does not carry spin, it is considered to be less top spin, and the chopping requires more forward motion in the forehand to keep the ball on the other side. With TSP Curl p1r, I have tried different chop strokes against such strokes, and I have found I had no control in generating spin. However, I have found a more closed cut stroke can generate some underspin on the ball.

I’m still investigating, is there a very effective stroke against such strokes.

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Ty June 30, 2010 at 12:55 pm


I found this note from you regarding Penholder punch block vs long pips. I myself am a long pips lefty but have trouble with the punch block from penholders. Have you found a good way to return it. Help!
I keep losing to this guy sometimes miserably ’cause I don’t know which strokes to use to return it? Thanks a bunch

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