Today is anti-drug day. How many lives have been shattered around the world because of drugs?
I had a friend who was addicted to drugs years ago. He was a crack cocaine addict for some seven years. The spirituality and religion helped him to recover from his addiction. But he carried the side effects from abusing the drugs in his life. He married later and had two children. His broken mind kept him from behaving normal. He is separated from his wife now. The two children are shattered between.
This incident reminds of Michael Jackson who passed away yesterday. I was shocked when I have heard the news. A man with so much talents, king of pop, entertainer - what all titles Michael did not have. He ended his life with $400 million in debt and so many of his fans to weep. The story of Anna Nicole or Elvis Presley goes in the same way. All these successful peoples abused drugs.
The suspension incident surrounding Barney Reed, a young American table tennis player raises the question of drug abuse in table tennis. Barney did not use meth or cocaine. He used drugs prescribed by doctors, the same way Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley used drugs. Barney was suspended from play for two years after the Olympic committee finding out the abuse.
Do table tennis players abuse drugs? There may be.
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