I have written a review of Butterfly Tenergy 5 a while ago. It has raised some criticisms. The players who have bought Butterfly Tenergy 5 for $65 were hoping the Tenergy 5 was going to be the top of the rubber in the post speed glue ban era. My review of Butterfly Tenergy 5 hurt their feeling. I said it is not going to. Now a Tenergy 5 costs only $50, equivalent to XIOM Omega series rubbers and Joola Energy series are sold for. I hope my review of Tenergy 64 does not raise such criticisms because it has fallen into the same price as other tensor rubbers, and nothing to be proud of using the expensive rubber in the market.
I never had an intention to try out a Butterfly Tenergy 64. The insider information from Butterfly has proved it right. The Butterfly wanted to have something similar to ESN Tensor technology. What is the reason? The Japan market was slowly taken over by XIOM tensor rubbers. The answer from Butterfly was Tenergy 64.
Is Butterfly Tenergy 64 similar to a tensor rubber like XIOM Omega III? The answer is a big no. The topsheet of tensors are soft while Tenergy 64 is medium hard. This will add some durability to the Tenergy. A player can use a Butterfly Tenergy 64 little longer than a ESN tensor. But Tenergy 64 is not durable as other Tenergy rubbers. Consider another fact. The Tenergy 64 is a Japanese rubber, and never comes close to the touch of an ESN tensor rubber although Butterfly has tried their best. However, I would still say the next rubber in Tenergy series may be an exact ESN tensor kinda rubber.
I have tried Tenergy 64 on many different blades. My experimentation convinces me that Tenergy 64 works well with softer blades, and in that respect it works very well with carbon blades like XIOM Absolute Carbon Speed and XIOM Axelo. I have tried it on medium hard blades. I don’t know how successfully Joo Se Hyuk cuts the ball with a Tenergy 64 on his forehand. Except for looping, the hard cut was nearly impossible.
The Tenergy 64 is a upgrade version of Tenergy 05 for players who look for more speed and click sound. It has the same pips structure as Tenergy 05. However, the topsheet is little softer than Tenergy 05. The sponge has more speed glue effect. There is excellent click sound at ball contact.
Unlike Tenergy 05, the Tenergy 64 has little lower throw angle. On a XIOM Absolute Carbon Speed, the loop curve (throw angle) has almost has become flat. The ball absorbs well to the wood, so there is good dwelling time on carbon blades. On harder blades, the behavior is opposite.
The Butterfly Tenergy 64 is surely a mid distance player’s weapon. I have played close to the table and away from the table with Tenergy 64. Be very careful when playing close to the table as the speed of the rubber is high and the ball has tendency to fly long.
The Tenergy 64 can add weight to the blade. A few days of practice is necessary to figure out the right angle. The pips players beware! If you are going to use Tenergy 64 on the forehand with long pips on the backhand and play close to the table, such combination can throw you out.
There is one area where I have struggled with Tenergy 64 is its inability for power spin. In my regular game, I used it on a softer feeling blade which is a custom made - also on a hard feeling blade. The speed threw me off whenever I want to spin. That’s the same kind of problem I have struggled with Tenergy 05. The Tenergy 25 excels in that area. The Tenergy 25 is my favorite in the Tenergy series.
On a carbon blade, the Tenergy 64 will surely shine while serving. Unlike other Tenergy series, the Tenergy 64 can spin well from its top. However, this behavior degrades on a hard wood blade.
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{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
I’ve to disagree on the durability factor of T64 vs ESN. T64 has only around 5 % chemicals and rest natural rubber and hence lasts longer. I do agree with the heavier weight being a big hindrance to choppers and loopers alike.
I don’t think I have said the durability of Tenergy 64 is only equivalent to a ESN tensor. I have said Tenergy 64 is more durable than a ESN rubber. When comparing Tenergy 64 with Tenergy 05, the durability of Tenergy 64 is little less. Hope that clarifies.
Ok. It does. Thank you.
Pls give your comments/opinion on Joola Express 1.
I wonder if you can give me some real help and advice.
Im using a Butterfly Timo Boll ZLC carbon Blade with Tenergy 05 on the forehand and Tenergy 65 on the backhand, all at 2.1 mm rubbers.
I enjoy that combination very much and although im not a competition player, i do enjoy the cardio workout with this balde and with those combinations, its works for me and can beat Division two and One players with this bat combination.
Now my question is this:
I have previously used a Stiga Legend Blade withTuple kokutaku 007 rubbers both sides, and wondered if i could use my Tenergy combination above on the Stiga Blade?
and also i have a TSB DEF+ carbon Blade, can i use that combination on that blade aswell.?
I very much would be so grateful for your valued comments in ths respect and quiry.
Thank you
David Courtney-Jones
am a wheelchair player and would like to know the ternergy combination i can use on my carbon blade.am a strong backhand player and likes loops with my forehand.i’ll so much appreciate any help.thanks