I have recently received many inquiries regarding this new long pip that TSP has brought out to the market. Some has asked me is it a replacement for their TSP Bamboo curl which was a frictionless long pips rubber. Some has asked me whether this is a replacement for the TSP Curl P2 which they have discontinued a while back.
The TSP Curl P-H is a long pips rubber. It is not a medium pips or short pips rubber. It does have friction. There is good news for the players who have used the TSP Curl P2 before – the TSP Curl P2 is back into the market again.
I have tried the OX and 1.3 mm versions of TSP Curl P-H on Dr.Neubauer Combination Effect, Darker 7P.2A DEF and Yanagi Alpha blade.
The TSP Curl P-H is a chopping rubber for classic defenders who prefer to chop below the ball to generate variety of spin. Take the case of Chinese Player Hou Ying Chao who uses TSP Spectol for variety of spin. The TSP Curl P-H is best suited for a player like Hou Ying Chao (or Ding Song of China).
The pips of TSP Curl P-H is pretty hard. On the TSP Yanagi Alpha blade, the OX version of TSP Curl P-H behaved close to the behavior of a frictionless pips. I was able to block heavy top spin loops. Hitting with TSP Curl P-H was very unsuccessful with TSP Yanagi.
The Dr.Neubauer Combination Effect is a faster balsa blade. Against the top spin, I was able to successfully block and redirect the incoming spin. I was not able to generate good underspin against top spin. I have tried to jump far away from the table to chop but was not successful in cutting heavy top spin with the OX version. With the 1.3 mm sponge version also I was not able to generate good underspin. With the 1.3 mm version I was able to see more side and under spin variation which has caused my opponents to lose the match.
The TSP Curl P-H had more dead feeling, so it needs to live on a little faster blade to hit. I have tried this rubber on Dr.Neubauer Firewall Plus. The Dr.Neubauer is a balsa blade, so it can generate more speed on to the ball.
Knuckle Ball Effect:
The TSP Curl P-H is the king of knuckle balls. They are heavy compared to any other long pips that I have tried. It is hard to lift those balls by loopers.
This is where this pips really shines. There is no long pips I have seen the best weapon for push. I have seen similar behavior with Hallamark Super Defense.
Unlike other long pips, I was able to generate variety of serves with TSP Curl P-H. I have not successfully twiddled the paddle to serve and get points with a long pips like this. This reminds of TSP Super Spinpips that I have used a while back. The pips are hard for varies spin generation.
There is a kind of unique behavior I’ve found in TSP Curl P-H. The TSP Curl P-H is a unique long pips for looping. The hard pips keeps the ball on the pips surface and rotate the ball more forward. The players who can execute a push, block and loop consecutively can earn a point from their opponents.
The TSP Curl P-H fits players whose main weapon of defense are push, side cut and block and attack with pips.
The TSP Curl P-H is a suitable rubber for defensive players who wants to make heavy knuckle balls. This suits the players who suffer pushing underspin. The TSP Curl P-H is the best rubber I have seen for pushing underspin.
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Hello, I have been playing for ove 40 years and in the last 30 used anti from many different companies. Knuckle has been the best of all of them which allows me to hit any ball with authority and speed. I have hit them past the best in United States without a return on their part. Pips does not seem to afford the speed return that an inverted rubber has so I don’t really know what TSP Curl P-H can do for me at this time. Do you have anything that comes close to Knuckle that is inverted and do the same as Knuckle when it comes to no sliding on the rubber returns like the old anti’s and also the current pips out rubber? Pips slide and all of the most recent inverted anti’s slide but Knuckle never slid even when I hit the ball off dead on angles returns. Thanks Larry